Purpose of Blog

In December of 2007, Elder Ballard said to the graduates of BYU-Hawaii:
"Today we have a modern equivalent of the printing press in the Internet and all that it means. The Internet allows everyone to be a publisher, to have their voice heard, and it is revolutionizing society. This modern equivalent of the printing press is not reserved only for the elite. The audiences for these and other New Media tools may often be small, but the cumulative effect of thousands of such stories can be great. The combined effort is certainly worth the outcome if but a few are influenced by your words of faith and love of God and His son Jesus Christ. Do not be afraid to share with others your story, your experiences as a follower of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We all have interesting stories that have influenced our identity. Sharing those stories is a non-threatening way to talk to others."
Post your experiences as a missionary and let your light so shine, for "who can glory too much in the Lord?" (Alma 26: 16)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Soooo.... How'd you learn Spanish?

This is a question that often starts off a discussion about my mission and the church. One such time was when I had to drive a co-worker to New Mexico. We hadn't made it out of the city limits when I mentioned as part of some conversation that I knew Spanish. He asked how, and I said I had served a church mission in Argentina and that was the end of that for a few miles. Around Benson he asked what one does on a mission, then the conversation lasted for the next few hours until we got to our destination. We talked about missions, youth standards (he has two YW age girls), Book of Mormon stories, church services, etc. His questions were very intelligent, and that was the great part- he was asking the questions. The best conversations occur when the other person poses the questions. The whole experience created a good friendship and I thought, duh, I need to give him a Book of Mormon. This happened about a year ago, and last I checked he hadn't read. I was surprised, but that was his choice. It felt good knowing I had helped him better understand our faith, and that book is waiting at his home if he ever changes his mind.

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